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[How to Mod/Crack PSP E1004 Street - YouTube](^1^)


There are two ways you in which you can run a custom firmware on PSP. One is the temporary hack and other is the permanent one. In temporary hack, PSP runs the custom firmware as long as its switched on/standby but after restarting it, things go back to default. The permanent one on the other hand means that the fix will remain even after restarting the PSP.

how to crack psp e1004 permanent

There is normally a wider choice if you are okay to go down the non-permanent route, but if you intend to use the features of CFW every time you use your PSP, you will need to reinstall the CFW every time you start your PSP, which will become quickly tedious.

Owners of the PSP 100X and old 200X versions will find that a majority of the CFW choices out there are permanent. Sony fixed up some of the exploits used to make the CFW permanent in the remainder editions, but for these devices Infinity can be used to simulate permanent CFW.

What are the benefits? If you use a large memory card that official firmware cannot detect, it will more likely be detected on boot by the custom firmware. You no longer need to open up fast recovery, or even keep any of the custom firmware utilities on your PSP. This ability is available for all PSPs, with older models supporting permanent flashing via CIPL, and all models supporting Infinity.

No. Official firmware 6.61 has been cracked, and comes with internal system fixes. If you are running 6.60 then you can comfortably stay on that version, but other versions will benefit from a systems upgrade.

je suis un peu rouillé pour les pop c'est pour ça que je pose la questions car je ne suis plus l'actualité sur les psp mais y a qqe années quand je faisais sur les slim j'installais le 6.60PRO B10 non permanent (volontaire de ma part) et il fallait vérifié si je me souviens bien le data code au risque de faire un brick

Why does my psp not open, my psp has a cracked battery and i put tape in it so it doesnt fall off, and the door holder for my battery has been cut and i put tape on it too so it doesnt fall off, and when i charge it it just blinks the charging light 2ff7e9595c

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